3550 N. Patterson Ave. Winston-Salem, NC 27105
(336) 725-7566 336-725-3296 (Grille)
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Northside LANES & GRILLE are OPEN!! Spread the word & let's go bowling! #bowlnorthside
2025 Hours:
Monday 11am-8pm (Open lanes 11a-5:30p only)
Tuesday 11am-8pm (Open lanes 11a-6:30p only)
Wednesday 11am-9pm (Open lanes 11a-5:30p, very limited after 6pm)
Thursday 11am-9pm (Open lanes every other week beginning Sept 12 11a-5p)
Friday 11am-9pm (Open lanes 1p-9p)
Saturday 11am-10pm (Laser Bowling is 8pm-10pm ONLY on Saturday, $15/bowler for shoe rental & unlimited bowling 8pm-10pm)
Sunday 1pm-8:30pm (Open lanes 1p-5p)
Bowling Rates are $4 per person per game & $3 shoe rental, ANYTIME we are OPEN(except Laser).
Pro Shop Hours-
Sunday 5pm-8pm
Monday, Wednesday - Friday 4pm-8pm
Saturday 2pm-6pm
Catalog & Pricing are available at the front counter! Let us help you get ready for another great league season!
If these hours do NOT work, call or e-mail us & we will make sure your needs are met to the best of our ability: 336-725-7566 OR northsidelanes@aol.com